Helal Certified Products
In Arabic, the word halal defines those that are in accordance with the rules of the Islamic religion, are not contrary to it, and are not prohibited by religion. In this context, Halal Food means everything related to food that is Islamically appropriate in all respects, from the production to the content of a food, that is permitted and therefore there is no harm in Muslims consuming it, and that is not contaminated with haram.
The Halal certificate is a food and service certificate given to companies that produce or sell products by adhering to Halal production conditions in all aspects, including hygiene, slaughter, production, presentation, storage, transportation, sales, and after-sales processes.
At UBC Kimya, our products are certified by ABATAN KEMAJUAN ISLAM MALAYSIA JAKIM, the Indonesian Ulema Council MUI and the TURKISH REPUBLIC HALAL AKREDITAION AGENCY HAK
In accordance with the "Law on Certain Regulations Regarding the Halal Accreditation Agency" No. 7060, organizations that issue halal certificates for all products and services to be offered to the domestic market, including imports for the Turkish market, are obliged to be accredited by the HAK until June 2023.
Please contact us to access our certificates